本文藉由電腦中文注音輸入法所造成的解讀與解毒二詞之混淆為例,討論多元評量此概念在後現代社會中所需要的解毒策略與解讀歷程。首先作者點出教育界普遍依賴西方理論,以致於對任何盛行的教育策略,都直接聯想到相對應的英文辭彙與立論。是故,當本文企圖解此毒時,鄭重點出多元評量的概念沒有響亮的英文名詞與之相呼應,其豐富的在地意義,正在展開。而在解讀多元評量的過程中, 作者指出多元評量除了代表策略多元、價值多元、詮釋多元外,更呈顯出邏輯觀念的多元:若P則Q,與P等於Q兩種邏輯流程的併置。此兩種邏輯觀念的存在,彰顯不同價值觀、不同評量策略、與不同表現媒介。作者認為對於多元評量的討論,除了文獻既存的看法外,亦可含納多元邏輯的論述。是故筆者在文末歸納出一個三元共存圖像,解繹不同專長、訓練、與立場的教育實踐者有不一樣的立足點以實踐各自的教育理想。
The author uses an example using different Chinese character input methods may cause different patterns of wrong characters, to discuss the two issues on the concept of multiple assessments. First of all, the term, multiple assessments, does not have corresponding theory in English, which shows that the concept is locally dependent. Then the author indicates the plural meanings of multiple assessments in terms of multiple assessing approaches, multiple value judgments, and multiple interpretations. Other than the stateddefinitions, the author proposes two logical thoughts reflected from multiple assessment, i.e. if P then Q, as well as P equals Q. Finally, the author depicted a 3-overlapped-circle diagram to accommodate educators of different value systems from different disciplines.