  • 期刊


The Effects of Reading Engagement, Family and Academic Background on Reading Literacy Performance: A Study of Learning Characteristics of the Academic Resilient and Advantaged Low-Achievers


不少參加PISA 2009閱讀素養測試的低社經學生被評為學業抗逆生(又稱弱勢高表現生-disadvantaged high-achiever, DHA),他們克服社經上的弱勢並取得高閱讀素養表現;同時,部分具優勢社經地位學生卻被同儕拋離,表現出與其社經不相稱的低閱讀素養表現(研究者稱之為優勢低表現生—advantaged low-achiever, ALA)。本研究透過PISA 2009樣本,旨在比較澳門DHA和ALA兩組學生與其社經地位相若者在家庭和學業背景、閱讀參與等方面的學習特徵的異同,從而提供幫助低表現生(不管是優勢或是弱勢)的閱讀指導思想和方法。邏吉斯回歸分析(logistic regression analysis)結果顯示,家庭和學業背景及閱讀參與顯著解釋了為何一名澳門15歲學生與其社經地位相若者相比有較大機會成為一名DHA,或是一名ALA。其中,性別、留級、轉校、學前教育年期、閱讀愉悅感、概括策略及理解和記憶策略,在DHA和ALA與其各自參照相同社經地位的組群中,皆為具有顯著解釋力之預測變量。


Many students from social and economic disadvantaged homes participating in PISA 2009 were classified as academic resilient (called disadvantaged high-achiever, the DHA in the present study). They were able to beat the odds against them so as to advance in reading literacy attainment. In addition, in comparison with peers of comparable home background status, there were students from advantaged homes performing far behind standard in reading literacy performance (i.e. the advantaged low-achiever, the ALA in the present study). Drawing on data from the PISA 2009 reading literacy study, this study sought to examine the similarities and differences in the learning characteristics (i.e. family and academic background, and reading engagement variables) among the Macao students. These students were classified as DHA or ALA with reference to their disadvantaged or advantaged counterparts respectively. The results of the logistic regression analyses showed that variables like family and academic background, as well as reading engagement are able to predict whether a student of comparable disadvantaged (or advantaged) home background is more likely to be classified as DHA (or ALA) or not. Specifically, gender, grade repetition, school transfer, years of kindergarten attendance, enjoyment of reading activities, meta-cognitive awareness of summarizing strategy, as well as meta-cognitive awareness of understanding and remembering strategies, are significant predicting variables explaining in what respects students are classified as DHAs or ALAs relative to the reference groups of comparable home background status. The findings are important to shed light on the principles and methods of reading instruction so as to help the low-achievers, whether advantaged or disadvantaged, to advance to higher level of academic attainment.


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陳佳欣、林素微(2023)。臺灣學生後設認知與閱讀素養的關聯:PISA 2009與PISA 2018資料的比較測驗學刊70(3),193-220。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=16094905-N202310060005-00002
