  • 期刊


An Investigation of the Knowledge and Attitude to the Facilities of Emergency Rescue Care of Dental Clinics



本研究目的是為了解高雄市及屏東縣開業牙醫師緊急報護的知識、態度及 影響設施相關因素,以高雄市及屏東縣開業牙醫診所,在診療過程發生過醫療 危急個例及診所急救相關設施做全面性調查。研究母群體為高雄市429間,屏 東縣92間,共計521間牙科診所,以訪視人員實地訪察,並請診所負責人填寫 問卷。回收問卷共計252份,回收率48.4%。 46.4%的牙科診所曾經遭遇過病患緊急狀況發生,其中病患發生昏厥或暈眩者佔27%(257例) ,發生噁心,嘔吐者佔22.6%( 165例) ,過敏性反應者佔 11.5%(72例) ,其他如糖尿病、凝血障礙症狀、氣喘、癇、心絞痛、呼吸道阻塞等等皆有病例報告。48.4%的牙醫診所備有供氧氣設備, 38.1%備有 epinephrine,兩者皆具備者只佔25.8%。急救設施與緊急救護知識得分有相關。受訪牙科醫師只有6%取得基本救命術證照,有2.8%取得高級心臟報命術證照。大學畢業後有參加急救訓練有29.8%。本研究調查發現牙科診所急救設施與國外相較之下普遍不足,卻有50%的牙科診所認為不需要增設急救設施。 牙醫師平時看診忽略了緊急救護方面之重要性,也缺乏隨時可能發生醫療危急的危機意識。


緊急救護 牙科診所


The aim of this study was to understand the knowledge, attitude and clinic facilities for emergency rescue care of dental clinics in Kaohsiung City and Ping-Tung County. The study result reveals that there is no significant difference between the two areas in the knowledge of emergency rescue care of the clinic dentists. 48.4% of the dental clinics are equipped with oxygen, and 38.1% have epinephrine. Only 25.8% have both oxygen and epinephrine prepared in the clinics. 46% have met the events of emergency rescue conditions in their clinics. Among the emergency conditions, 27%(257 cases) experienced fainting of the patients visiting the clinic, 22.6%(165 cases) vomiting, 11.5%(72 cases) allergic reaction etc. In short, the author found that the clinic dentists are busy in daily clinical practice, but do not pay enough attention to this important emergency rescue work.
