



One of the common prosthetic treatment options for edentulous patients is the fabrication of complete dentures. Complete dentures cost less compared to other treatment modalities such as implant-supported fixed prosthesis. However, the lack of retention and stability that often associated with complete dentures results in complaints from the patients. One other major problem with complete dentures is the continuous resorption of the residual ridge. These shortcomings of complete dentures are especially prominent in the mandible, where the stress-bearing area is much smaller compared to that of the maxilla. On the other hand, implant-retained overdentures are helpful in restoring the masticatory and phonetic functions in patients with severely resorbed alveolar ridge. They are effective in maintaining the height of the residual ridge by slowing down the resorption process. This report presents a case of a 64-year old male receiving implant-retained overdentures in both the maxilla and the mandible.
