  • 期刊


Constructing an Integrated System of Dental PACS and HIS


醫療與資訊產業的結合是未來的趨勢,大型醫療院所將醫院資訊系統與數位影像系統整合,提供社會大眾更良好的就醫品質。在牙科方面,過去在診療過程中不需要大量醫學影像的輔助,所以牙科醫院大多只有基本的HIS輔助。但由於民眾生活品質要求提高日益提高,大眾需要的是更新、更精緻的診療,如植牙、矯正、美白等之牙科需求。這些醫療需求都需要醫學影像之分析與支援,因此牙科醫療影像相關資料性逐漸提高。牙科的HIS與PACS系統之結合,不僅是病患文字資料與影像資料的單純連結,還需考慮到治療前後之相對比較,取像儀器之影像倍率問題、距離量測問題,以及牙科健保上之需求。 本研究以提升病患的就醫品質和提供牙科醫師更方便的工作環境,將牙科PACS與HIS結合,考量X光片的應用需求和病患影像的數位化功能,開發一套整合牙醫師需要的系統,建立一套包括電子化病歷管理功能、影像處理和影像管理的系統。使用者可以透過本系統執牙科影像數位化的功能,也可以在系統上將所攝影完畢的患者醫療影像資料做處理,再將影像資料有效率的分類管理,來做病患資料的管理,藉此達到減少等待時間、提高醫療品質的目標,以利診斷。除此,還能把需要攝影的患者影像訂單(order)詳細資料先輸入進系統裡,以方便遠端攝影師/護士,能方便與精確地執行任務。


The combination of healthcare and information is the trend of the future. The large-scale hospitals have integrated the Hospital Information System (HIS) and Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) to provide good quality of health delivery for the public. In the past, the dentists may not need a lot of images for diagnosis so as only HIS is constructed in the most dental clinics. Since the quality of life is demanded more than the past, they need the newest and finest treatment, like the teeth implant, orthodontic treatment, and tooth-whiting. The above treatments all need the support from the analysis of medical image. Thus, the need of electronic data and digitalized image is increased. However, the integration of HIS and PACS in dental department cannot be the connection of the text and image only. It should consider the comparison of pre-and post-treatments, the enlarged ratios of the image machine, the measurement of the distance, and the claim requirement of insurance. For increasing the quality of healthcare and convenient working environment, the research combines HIS and PACS as a whole, developing an integrated system to fit the requirement of the dentists. The system contains the functions of electronic patient records system, and image processing and management. Through the system, the users can execute the image digitalized operations, classifying the images and so on, to efficiently manage the patient data, reduce the waiting time, increase the quality of healthcare and facility the diagnosis. In addition, the system provides a function that the doctors can input the order of taking image beforehand; then the nursing staff can execute the image capturing operations remotely.


