  • 期刊


Global Governance: Civil Society and Religious Development Map


當代世界宗教發展圖像的一大特點,即是面向全球、面向社會、面向現實與面向個人。在全球化的進程中,宗教發展已經很難『遁世』、『隱居』,更不可能自外於全球化潮流下獨善其身。雖然現代化是推動全球化發展的重要力量,但絕對不是唯一力量。因爲在現代化之前,早已出現了全球化力量,如基督宗教、伊斯蘭宗教,甚至是佛教的跨國界發展。現代化爲全球化提供了制度力量和保證,如工業主義、資本主義及民族國家等,而這些現代化制度也實現了本身的全球化。不過,全球化的發展趨勢對人類而言,最直接的後果就是全球性問題的增多,與現有政治實體管理能力的不足所造成的變重矛盾。從治理(governance)的向度來說,宗教發展填補了國家在統治(governing)上的缺失,甚至融合了國家、市場、社會的對立關係,重新創造性地結合國家、市場與社會,並引導世界走善治(good governance)。而宗教組織要尋求全球性的發展,甚至形塑全球公民社會(global civil society)的實現,有賴於跨國社會運動組織的發展。因此,如果20世紀的政治遣産是民族國家組成的世界體系,那麽21世紀等待我們的就是建構一個善治的全球公民社會。


There is one great character of the religious development map in modern world-that is its development towards the globe, society, reality and individual. During the process of globalization, religious development is unlikely to avoid the society neither become invisible, let alone being on its own when there is a global trend. Although modernization is the main force of promoting globalization, it is not the only one. This is because the force of globalization has appeared earlier than modernization, such as Christian, Islam and even the cross-boundary development of Buddhism. Modernization has offered globalization a systematic power and promise, like industrialism, capitalism, and nation-states. On the other hand, these modern systems also realized their globalization. However, the development trend of globalization, for human beings, resulted in the increase of global problems and ambivalence caused by insufficient management of existing political bodies. From the point of governance, religious development has covered the fault of national governance and integrated nations, markets and society. It has recreated innovative nations, markets and society as well as led the whole world to good governance. Even more, religious organization seeks global development and shapes a global civil society, which would depend on how cross-boundary social organizations develop. Therefore, it would be fair to say that if the political heritage of 20(superscript th) century is the world system what nation states has constituted, a good civil society will be the one that waits to be established in the 21(superscript st) century.


