  • 期刊

簡易隔雨設施對花螺李及Santa Rosa生長與結實表現之影響

Studies on the Growth and Fruiting of Hwa Lou and Santa Rosa Under Rain Shelter


在南投縣仁愛鄉梅峰,國立臺灣大學附設山地實驗農場簡易隔雨設施果園內,觀察‘花螺李’及‘Santa Rosa’兩個品種的李種,在簡易隔雨設施下及露地其物候期表現的差異, 供試品種為嫁接在苦挑上的六年生植株,其結果如下:簡易隔雨設施下‘花螺李’生長與結實之表現,在花芽萌動方面可較露地提早一週;同時,果實鮮重、乾重及果實著色均表現較露地為佳;但果實品質中的糖酸比卻較低,而果實成熟期在簡易隔雨設施與露地則差異不明顯。在落葉期表現,葉片脫落的時間較露地為晚。而在‘Santa Rosa’的表現,則是在簡易隔雨設施下及露地其落葉、開花、結實及果實生長均表現差異不顯著。


Two cultivars of plum (prunus spp.) have been investigated at the Highland Experimental Farm of National Taiwan University in Meifeng, Nantou County, Taiwan. The cultivars are 'Hwa Lou' and 'Santa Rosa'. Both of them were grafted on Kotao of the six-year-old trees as rootstocks. Phenological observations have been made both under rain shelter and open field for comparison. Results are summarized as follows: Under rain shelter, buds of the Hwa Lou bursted one week earlier comparison to the open field. The leaves fellen in January, but they started in November in the open field. More heavier of fresh and dry weight of the fruits have been recorded under rain shelter. But the time of ripening was very closing. Soluble solides and acid content was higher than those in the open field, sugar/acid ratio showed litted lower under rain shelter. There was on significant difference of time in leaf falling, blooming and fruiting of the Santa Rosa under rain shelter or in the open field.
