

在環氧樹脂中加入不同比例之聚酯型PU(PBA500, PBA1000, PBA2000)和聚醚型PU(PPG1061, PPG3201)的預聚物,與一定比例之硬桿狀液晶原(C12H10O),使其與環氧樹脂一起反應硬化成型後,形成一熱固性自我補強(self-reinforcement)材料。此環氧樹脂分子結構中皆具有硬棒狀結構,藉由液晶硬捍結構特殊性質,而產生具自我補強性質之分子複合材料。以拉力試驗機測試材料之抗張強度(Tensile Strength),並測試材料之破壞能量(Fracture Energy, GIC)及Izod耐衝擊強度(Izod Impact Strength),並比較其間之差異性。


The epoxy molecular composite was prepared from the reaction of the hydroxyl group in the mesogenic compound with the isocyanate group in the polyurethane-crosslinked epoxy. Polyurethane (PU) prepolymers based on poly ((butylenes adipate ) (PBA) glycol and poly (propylene) glycol (PPG) and different molecular weight were employed as a crosslinking agent to the epoxy. Mesongenic compound was acted as a reinforcement of the epoxy. Then the epoxy resin was cured with a tertiary amine catalyst to from a self-reinforcement molecular composite.The studies on tensile strength, fracture energy GIC values and Izod impact strength for the epoxy molecular composites were widely investigated in this article.
