  • 期刊


2-D RIP Method Employed in Groundwater Prospecting-A Case Study of Mapping the Fresh/Salt Water Interface under Coastal Dune


本研究探討「地電阻率影像剖面法」在地下水測勘上之應用,並援引「宜蘭海岸沙丘下淡/鹹水界面之測繪」為例以進行效能分析。經實測並以不同資料解釋法展現二維剖面,結果顯示:1. 不同解釋法各具特色,可依探測目的選擇使用:視電阻率擬似剖面法,容易獲取,但僅能表達電阻率隨空間變化的概略趨勢;以一維模型為基礎的簡易逆推法,計算較簡,但僅較適用於近似水平地層之測勘;以雙極排列法施測、二維有限法逆推,對複雜的地下構造,能展現最佳的解析效能。2. 實測案例中,可發現。壯圍鄉公館沿岸沙丘之下方,在淺部為電阻率較高的含淡水地層,且其所儲存之淡水體略呈凸鏡構造,此對海水入侵應具「屏障」之效;但在深約60-70公尺處,低於5歐姆米的等值線幾乎橫貫全剖面,推測此高鹽度的層次應與海水相通;此外,測線上在近魚塭處,其淡/鹹水界面則略見揚昇;諸此現象,均可由所獲取之二維地電阻率影像剖面清楚判讀。


The purposes of this study are to investigate the efficiency of geoelectrical method (2-D RIP) employed in the groundwater prospecting, and to take a case study of mapping the fresh/salt water interface under the dune along the coast in I-lan. The results of this study lead to two conclusions shown as follows:1.Surveyed by pole-pole array and interpreted by 2-D FEM method can achieve high efficiency in mapping complicated structure such as fresh/salt water interface.2.The results of the RIP survey across the coastal dune near Gung-guan village indicate that the fresh water body is a form of lens shape. This lens-shaped fresh water body serves as a barrier against seawater intrusion. But at the depth ranging from 60 to 70 meters, the seawater has intruded landward. This can be figured out by the presence of a zone where the resistivity is lower than 5 ohm-m. In addition, the boundary between the fresh and salt water zones rises at the location of fish farm.
