  • 期刊


Application of Sensorimotor Rhythm in Sport Performance Enhancement


感覺動作頻率(sensory motor rhythm, SMR)是源於腹側基底核之12-15 Hz之腦波,其活動與抑制身體感覺訊息傳入有關。根據近年神經生理的研究發現發現,SMR功率與感覺動作區的活動呈負相關且較高的SMR功率也造成外在訊息輸入的降低。因此,SMR活動似乎與動作自動化的概念相符。然而,在神經回饋訓練促進運動表現的相關文獻中,卻尚未出現以SMR為訓練指標之研究。本篇論述性文章之目的在於回顧過去SMR神經生理及神經回饋相關研究,確立SMR腦波與較佳運動表現之關係,並提供未來神經回饋研究之相關建議。


Sensory motor rhythm (SMR) (12-15 Hz) originates in ventrobasal nuclei, and is related to the inhibition of afferent thalamic somatosensory information. According to recent findings of neurophysiological studies, SMR has a negative correlation to activity in the sensory motor area. Furthermore, SMR is associated with reduced external information input. Based on this evidence, it is possible that the reduction of SMR activity might be related to the concept of automaticity. However, studies have not examined the relationship between SMR neurofeedback training and precision sport performance. Therefore, this paper aimed to review neurophysiological and neurofeedback studies of SMR with hopes of formulating a possible relationship between SMR and optimal performance. Critical issues for neurofeedback studies were also included.


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