  • 期刊


Effects of the System of Enterprise Men's Volleyball League in International Event Achievements




亞洲運動會 東亞運 競爭力


Taiwan’s National Men's Volleyball Team won bronze medals in the 1970 and 1998 Asian Games. Soon thereafter, however, the team's success in international games plummeted. In 2004 the Chinese Taipei Volleyball Association founded the Enterprise Men's Volleyball League to address this area of concern. At first its effects weren't readily apparent, but in the 2013 Tianjin East Asian Games the National Men's Volleyball Team won a gold medal. This confirmed that the Enterprise Volleyball League was successful in training players in all skills and maintaining a high level of international success. The Enterprise Volleyball League has been in existence 10 years, and some problems have arisen with time; for instance, players are concerned about the prospect of increased economic stability via semi-pro volleyball, teams are over-reliant on student athletes, and the environment lacks competitiveness. Those problems are likely to be the main sources of fluctuating achievement in international games. For the purpose of this study, a literature review was conducted to investigate the effect of The Enterprise Volleyball League on men's volleyball in Taiwan. Suggestions for creating a better volleyball environment are provided: first, construct an ideal system by offering a well-organized training system and professional career opportunities to young players. Second, introduce foreign players to increase the number of teams. These changes will enhance the competitiveness of the league and improve Taiwan's standing in international volleyball events.


Asian Games East Asian Games competitiveness


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