  • 期刊


Common Tchoukball Injuries and Prevention Methods




急性傷害 慢性傷害 護具 貼紮 體能訓練


The performance of Taiwanese tchoukball players is outstanding on the global stage. We have been engaged in athletic training for years, during which time we have observed a lot of sports injuries in tchoukball. However, literature on the tchoukball injuries is quite rare in Taiwan and overseas. The purpose of this paper is thus to conduct a literature review and analyze the characteristics and the training process of this sport, infer common sports injuries, and further discuss ways to prevent injuries. The results indicate that the common acute injuries in tchoukball include wrist sprains, finger contusion and dislocation. Knee joints in the lower extremities are the most vulnerable parts. The chronic injuries include shoulder, knee and lower back injuries which are caused by overuse and poor posture. Injury prevention methods are recommended regarding rules, the environment, protective gear or taping, physical training, and technical aspects.


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