  • 期刊


A Study of Computer Repairing Knowledge Management System-A Case Study of Tamkang University


電腦發生異常往往會造成使用者困擾,工作停擺或效率降低,因此能否迅速而有效的將其修復便相對重要。本研究目的為期望利用淡江大學電腦維修案例,建置電腦維修知識管理系統供技術人員教育訓練、知識累積與共享,統計分析案例,追蹤潛在威脅,供管理者使用,提出改善方案,以防止未來再發之可能性;並以案例分析結果,找出內隱知識,將其外顯化、規則化以增進問題解決速度。從研究成果得知「惡意程式破壞」為97-98學年最多故障申請之原因(計676件,佔TOP10故障原因35%),「中毒或疑似中毒」亦為累計處理時間第2多(2,734.5小時)的常見問題,組織應開設病毒防禦、社交工程等資訊安全相關課程,從基本認知開始訓練;Outlook Express信件匣超過2GB造成收發信件異常之問題,增長迅速(97學年36件,98學年87件),應加強宣導、教育使用者以防止再發;各年度主要常見問題87%相同,故障狀況84%相同,管理者可列為關注標的,做為新進維修人員訓練課程或列為甄選人員之測驗試題;TOP10故障原因中第2名「記憶體金手指髒污」、第3名「Power損壞」、第7名「Outlook Express 2GB限制」、第8名「螢幕電源線/訊號線鬆脫接觸不良」、第9名「記憶體鬆脫/接觸不良」,此5項故障之預防或排除方法較為容易,組織可對此開設電腦維修教育訓練課程,讓使用者能自行處理相關問題,以減少故障申請維修件數。本論文為驗證電腦維修知識管理系統之有效性,以99學年第1季之常見問題(1,003筆)驗證該系統對於問題可獲解答之機率,經系統提出之前3名建議解決方法,命中率達69%;此系統並於99學年3月正式上線供維修人員使用,實際運作1個月後之結果,與97-98學年同期相較,面對相同問題之總平均處理時間減少33.6分鐘,證明此系統確實有效。


Computer abnormality tends to perplex computer users and results in shutdown or reduced work efficiency. Therefore, it is important to rapidly and effectively repair computer. The purpose of this study was to take the computer repair case at Tamkang University as an example to establish the computer repairing knowledge management system for the educational training of technicians, knowledge accumulation and sharing, statistical analysis, follow- up on potential risks, use by managers, proposal of improvement schemes, and prevention of recurrence. In addition, this study found out tacit knowledge based on the analytical results and made them become explicit and regular to improve the problem solving speed.he results showed that the ”damage caused by malware” was the most common cause for computer failure repair application in 2008-2009 academic years (676 applications totally; 35% of the TOP 10 failure causes), and ”virus infection or suspicious of virus infection” was in second place of the accumulated time (2,734.5 hours) spent on repair. Organizations should open information safety-related courses such as virus defense and social engineering to develop the basic awareness of organization members. The rapid increase in the mailbox of Outlook Express exceeding 2GB resulting in delivery abnormality became common (36 cases were found in 2008 academic year and 87 cases were found in 2009 academic year). The propaganda should be strengthened to prevent users from encountering it again. 87% of the major problems encountered in each academic year were the same, and 84% of the failure conditions were identical. Therefore, managers could classify these problems as objects of concern and include them into the training courses for novice computer maintenance staff or recruitment tests. Among the TOP 10 causes for computer failure, ”memory gold finger surface oxidation” was in second place, ”power damage” was in third place, ”Outlook Express exceeding 2GB restriction” was in 7(superscript th) place, ”loose screen power cord/poor contact of interconnect cable” was in 8(superscript th) place, and ”loose memory contact” was in 9(superscript th) place. It was easier to prevent or overcome these five causes. Organizations could open computer repairing educational training courses concerning these causes to enable users to deal with relevant problems by themselves to reduce the number application for computer maintenance.This study was to verify the effectiveness of computer repairing knowledge management system. This study used the problems found in Q1 of 2010 academic year (1,003 cases) to verify the probability of questions answered by the system. The probability of questions answered by the top 3 system-recommended solutions was as high as 69%. The system was formally provided online for maintenance staff to use in March 2010 academic year. After it was actually operated for 1 month, as opposed to the same period in 2008-2009 academic years, the total average time spent on dealing with the same problems was reduced by 33.6 minutes. The effectiveness of the system was verified.
