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Health-Related Issues among Women with Cosmetic Breast Augmentation Surgery


許多有關美容豐胸手術的文獻,多數在描述植入物對婦女健康可能出現的影響;但是對於與手術前後相關的護理問題或自我照護資訊,相關的研究及文獻探討則相當不足。因此本文主要透過描述及回溯性的調查法,探討接受美容豐胸手術之婦女,在術前、住院及術後所面臨的健康相關問題。結果顯示有33位婦女參與本研究,平均年齡爲31.2±7.7歲(20-51),其中42%(14/33)的參與者在術前其身體質量指數屬於過輕。從手術出現的傷口疼痛到解除,平均約需12.9±9.0天,術後可以獨自上廁所約需10±1小時,自己梳頭約需5.2±5.6天;自己洗澡4.7±3.0天;從出院到可以獨自離家出門,約需7.1±.5天。若以滿意度十分計算,這些女性整體對術後滿意平均分數爲7.9±1.4分。術前有72.7%的女性其胸罩大小是32a-32b,術後66.7%增爲32b-32d, 33.3%增爲34b-36c。此外,有九位在術後陸續出現合併症(27%),包括手術部位結痂、莢膜孿縮、乳房感覺改變、乳房硬化、植入物破損或乳房變形不對稱等。雖然,有三位術後重複接受第二次手術,有八位(24%)也表示很擔心預後;但是仍有82%的婦女表示豐胸讓她們的自信、自尊增加和更有魅力的感覺。本研究結果可以提供整形美容護理人員及考慮接受此項手術之女性的參考資料。


婦女 美容 豐胸手術


Although there are many breast augmentation studies that assessed the long-term health effects of such kind of surgery, the nursing literature contains little on the nursing practice and self-care before and after such kind of surgery. This research used retrospective and descriptive investigative method to explore women's health-related problems before and after the surgery. Thirty-three women who underwent cosmetic breast augmentation surgery participated in this study. The mean participant age was 31.2-7.7 years old (range, 20 to 51 years old). Forty Two percent (14/33) of participants were underweight indicated by their body mass index before this surgery. The mean number of days until complete pain relief following surgery was 12.9±9.0, while the mean number of days until patients could go outdoors independently was 7.1±5.5, were capable of combing hair by themselves was 5.2±5.6; could bath by themselves was 4.7±3.0; and the mean time until the patients were capable using the toilet independently was 10±9.1 hours. The mean score of patient satisfaction (1-10) with the surgery was 7.9± of the respondents had a bra size between 32a~32b before breast augmentation surgery. Following surgery, 66.7% moved to size 32b and 32d, while 33.3% moved to 34b and 36c. Moreover, complications including scaring, capsular contracture, changes in breast sensation, calcifications, implant rupture or leakage, mammography distortion or inaccuracies, were identified among nine participants (27%). Although, three patients received repeat breast augmentation surgery, and eight patients (24%) expressed concern following surgery. Nearly 82% (27/33) of participants reported increase of self- confidence and self-esteem, and enhancement of sense of femininity and sexuality after undergoing this kind of surgery. These findings will be important references for plastic surgery nursing personnel and for those women who consider adopting the cosmetic breast implant surgeries.


women cosmetic breast augmentation surgery
