  • 期刊


Effects of a Walking Program on Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle


本文目的在探討某醫學中心健走計畫實施前後員工身體質量指數、體重及健康生活型態之成效。研究採單組前後測研究設計,立意取樣於某醫學中心,員工每週5次30分鐘的健走,共計30次,健走前後測量身高、體重及施以健康促進生活型態量表,以了解健走計畫實施前後身體質量指數、體重及健康生活型態之成效。研究結果發現:(1)員工身體質量指數減少0.4kg/m^2(p<.05)與體重減少0.9 kg(p<.001),皆達顯著的差異;(2)健康促進生活型態分數由101分上升至123分,共提升22分;(3)自我實現增加2.9分、健康責任增加8.8分、運動增加2.7分、營養增加3.1分、人際支持增加2.2分及壓力處理增加2.3分,六個次量表皆這顯著的差異(p<.001)。本研究結論發現實施健走計畫能提升員工健康的生活型態。


The purpose of this study is to explore how a walking program affects on employee's body mass index, body weight, and healthy lifestyle. This was a one-group longitudinal research design, and a purposive sampling was used at a medical center. The selected subjects performed a walking program which consisted of 30 minutes of walking every day for five times within each week. The program lasted for six weeks. The subjects' body heights and body weights were measured before and after the walk, and a healthy lifestyle survey for health promotion was conducted before and after the program was implemented. The outcomes showed that: (1) the body mass index (BMI) reduced by 0.4 kg/m^2 (p<.05) and the body weight (BW) reduced by 0.9 kg (p<.001) (both measurements had significant changes); (2) the score of healthy lifestyle increased by 22 points from 101 to 123; (3) six subcategories showed significant improvements (p< .001) including self-implementation with an increase of 2.9 points, responsibility of health with an increase of 8.8 points, exercise with an increase of 2.7 points, nutrition with an increase of 3.1 points, relation support with an increase of 2.2 points, and stress management with an increase of 2.3 points. The study indicated that implementation of a walking program can promote employee's healthy lifestyles.


Walking health promotion healthy lifestyle


