  • 期刊


A Nursing Experience for a Patient with Diabetic Ketoacidosis




This report describes the nursing experience for a 21-year-old patient admitted to the emergency department of an acute hospital for diabetic ketoacidosis. This patient had been receiving insulin injections for blood sugar control since he was diagnosed with type I diabetes at the age of seven. Without experiencing much specialized attention for monitoring blood sugar levels, the patient rarely returned to the clinic for follow-ups. The patient was sent for emergent care by the family when he was found in deep sleep with rapid respiration. The patient had experienced four bouts of hospitalization for ketoacidosis in the past. Orem's self-care theory was used as the assessment structure. By means of observation, interview, and physical examination, the author collected and analyzed the resulting data. The three nursing problems that were identified were loss of body fluid, ineffectiveness of self management of health, and disorder of the family operational process. In addition to performing emergent measures, assisting in stabilization of medical condition, and improving discomfort, the author developed unique nursing functions during a short period of time in the emergency department. Through good therapeutic communication, such as active listening and caring, the family members were encouraged to communicate with each other. The patient and family were taught about self care for the prevention of ketoacidosis. Moreover, the patient learned how to adapt in physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects, which reinforced healthy beliefs and behavior in health management. This paper shares the author's experience, and it can be used as a reference for other nurses caring for similar cases in the future.
