



Because of fear and horror of death in traditional Chinese culture, most family members and medical staff avoid dialogues and discussion about death with patients at the end-of-life stage. This leads to tragedies such as ”dying like a dog” occurring in hospitals every day. Patients at the end of life, family members struggling with withholding and/or withdrawing treatments, and inconsistent recognition and execution of medical equipment withhold and with drawal make it more difficult for care providers to have discussions about advanced care planning with them. This prevents the patient's right to self-determination to be fully honored with respect. Among the 150,000 deaths annually in Taiwan, 30,000 deaths exist with a variety of life sustaining medical equipments at death. Due to strict laws in medical treatments, most terminally ill patients suffer from the inability of withdrawing these medical equipment, and thereafter, extending their lives without dignity. With the approval of an amended law, patients with extreme suffering and pain will be allowed to die with humanization and dignity. Patients can have a good death and families will have no regrets anymore. Most people want to have good death at the end of life. This article probes end-of-life null medical treatments, reasons for advanced medical care planning, and the dilemma of outreaching DNR (do not resuscitate). Finally, clinical case studies share the current status in outreaching DNR and implementing hospice in non-hospice wards. Hopefully, with nurses' efforts in outreaching advanced care planning for patients, patients at the end-of-life can choose a peaceful journey with respect and dignity.


palliative care advance care plan good death


CHEN, J. O., & LIN, C. C. (2021). Exploring the Barriers Faced by Nephrology Nurses in Initiating Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease Into Advance Care Planning Using Focus-Group Interviews. The Journal of Nursing Research, 29(6), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1097/jnr.0000000000000462


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