  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of Caring for a Dementia Patient with Hemodialysis




This article describes a nursing experience of caring for an elderly dementia patient with hemodialysis. From July 4 to October 20, 2011, the author applied Roy's Adaptation Model for patient assessment, and collected data through direct care, observation, interview and telephone contact. The main nursing problems were the patient's lack of knowledge and altered mental status. The provided nursing care included patient education assessment during patient hemodialysis, telephone contact with the nurse in the dementia unit (as needed), instruction posters for caring for artificial blood vessels and patient education CDs. The patient became less confused during hemodialysis and more aware of vascular care. With all of the offered interventions, the patient became more oriented to the time and environment, able to accept vascular care as part of daily life, and received hemodialysis regularly while emotionally stable.
