  • 期刊


Caring for a Patient with Traumatic Amputation through a Holistic Care Approach




Traumatic amputation, a sudden and unexpected major form of trauma, results in catastrophic impacts on the physical, psychological, and social functions of the victim. The holistic care approach provides the victim with needed support. This article describes a nursing experience of caring for a 52-year male with left arm traumatic amputation. The nursing care period started from the happening of the incident on September 12, 2012 and continued through the patient's stay in the Emergency Department of the hospital. During this period, following a direct care process, the author assessed the patient's health needs in physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and developmental aspects through observation, physical assessment, and interview. The major health problems were hypovolemic shock, acute pain, perfusion changes in the left upper stump, a high risk of infection at the traumatic limb, and anxiety. The holistic care approach includes operational care interventions, such as assessment of the patient's health needs and health problems, application of professional nursing skills, stabilization of the patient's vital signs, reduction of the risk of limb infection and pain, and provision of related information and guidance to increase the patient's awareness and problem-resolving ability. Additionally, holistic nursing offers expressive caring measures, such as being present with the patient to relieve the patient's inner anxiety through positive emotional support until the family members' arrival. Through a humane and holistic nursing approach, the patient was able to smoothly undergo the operation of severed limb replantation and reduce post-operational complications. The author would like to share this article with other nursing professionals providing emergent nursing care for severe traumatic victims using a holistic care approach.
