  • 期刊


Improvement of Accuracy of Nursing Knowledge Exchange between ED Nurses and OR Nurses




病人安全 交班


The integrative nursing knowledge exchange between the emergency department (ED) and operating room (OR) is very vital for follow-up patient care and treatments. This project was designed to reduce the rate of inaccuracy of nursing knowledge exchange between ED nurses and OR nurses. From January 1 to June 1, 2011, the inaccuracy rate was 27.85%. The analyzed causes included the unmet requirement of nursing knowledge exchange sheet, lack of nursing knowledge exchange standards, unclear contents of nursing knowledge exchange and lack of nursing knowledge exchange-related educational training. The designed strategies based on these causes were establishing operational standards for ED patient transfer for emergent surgery, revising the nursing knowledge exchange sheet for ED patient transfer for emergent surgery, holding on-job educational in-service, and establishing a monitoring system. With implementation of these strategies, the inaccuracy rate decreased from 27.85% to 9.09%. The project goal was reached. Utilization of an informational system to establish standardized operation of nursing knowledge exchange between units promotes the integrity of ED patient transfer for emergent surgery and offers continuous safe and integrative patient care.


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