  • 期刊

年輕重症病人父母親於加護病房之緊急過渡期的經驗 八仙塵爆事件的故事

The Experience of an ICU Patient's Family Undergoing the Emergency Transition Stage. The Tragic Event of Ba-Sian Dust Explosion




Disaster nursing is a major challenge to today's nurses. This article probes the parents' experiences undergoing emergency transition stage with their severely injured children in critical conditions in the aftermath of an event involving chemical color powder explosion at Ba-Sian Waterpark. The data were collected through a qualitative research method at the ICU of a medical center in Northern Taiwan. The author served as a companion for the family, providing care and support to build a mutually trusting relationship. Three parents of the ICU patients voluntarily accepted semi-structured in-depth interviews. The four major themes, based on the qualitative study, were the parents' worry about the children's conditions, changes of the families and the patients themselves, the interaction between the outside world and themselves, and the future of their injured children. Nurses sincerely understood the emergency transition stage the young patients were undergoing, the tragedy their patients experienced, and the dramatic impacts of this event on their families. With expressed understanding and comprehension, the nurses were able to further empathize the care needs of the patients and their parents, ultimately achieving the parents' expectations of maintaining the whole family's wellbeing and sense of ease. The author expects that this study can be used as a reference for other clinical nurses caring for the parents of young, severely injured patients.


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