  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Caring for a Post-Surgical Patient with Rectal Cancer




Patients diagnosed with cancer are inclined to facing fear of death, a source of heavy stress. This case study aims to explore anxiety and frustration in a female rectal cancer patient facing post-surgical removal of the rectum and lymph node dissection. The nursing care period was from July 22 to August 1, 2014. With the application of Gordon's eleven functional health pattern assessment, the nursing diagnosis and care plans included (1) anxiety relevant to the surgery and diagnosis of cancer, (2) acute pain related to post-surgical incision, (3) potential risk of infection related to post-surgical incision and an indwelling catheter, and (4) the caregiver's role tension related to unknown post - surgical results. The author incorporated the following nursing techniques: establishing a good nurse-patient relationship, managing pain and discomfort with medication, listening to the patient's internal feelings, providing active caring, companionship, and emotional support, and providing individualized nursing care, including patient education regarding deep breathing, foot massage, and relaxing music, to reduce the patient's psychological distress and anxiety. The patient and family received information regarding support groups and follow-up during hospitalization. The authors shares this nursing experience as a clinical nursing reference.


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