  • 期刊


Nursing experience of caring for a young stroke patient with difficulties swallowing




This case report documents the nursing experience of caring for a 40 year-old female with difficulties swallowing after a stroke. Due to paralysis on her right side, her daily activities were limited and carried out with her husband's assistance. Her limited mobility and struggle swallowing added tremendously to her frustration with her situation. The nursing care period was from July 17, 2015, to August 11, 2015, and the author applied Gordon's 11 functional health patterns for nursing assessments. Through clinical observations and interviews, the following problems were identified: dysphagia, impaired mobility, and body image disorder. Rehabilitation, which consisted of gradual physical activity training and swallowing skill training, took place with the aid of a stroke nursing manager, nutritionist, and physical therapist. In conclusion, health care providers play a critical role in determining the patients' physical difficulties and psychological distress at an early stage in order to set This case report documents the nursing experience of caring for a 40 year-old appropriate goals and care plans earlier to assist the patients' rehabilitation program.


stroke dysphagia body image disorder


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張家如、方宣雅、林雅慧、江東懋、王蓉敏(2011) 一位腦中風合併吞嚥困難病人之 EUT· 10(4) , 96-108 。


