  • 期刊


Practice scope of case manager: Implementation and barriers


近二十年來由於醫療費用逐年上升,為減緩其費用上漲之速度,管理式醫療照護(managed care)日益受到重視且蓬勃興盛於21世紀健康照護系統。然而個案管理為管理式醫療照護中所發展出的新名詞之一,在個案管理照護中個案管理師(case manager)扮演監督、指導及資源使用控制之重要角色,且影響到管理之成功與否。由於護理人員具有醫療及照護專業知識、技巧及熱誠,故被認為最適合擔任個案管理師之職務。目前個案管理照護模式已應用於我國健康照護系統,但護理執業範圍並無明確的規範,期待個案管理師的專業發展,能在進階護理的角色被關注。


Managed care has evolved over the past 10 to 20 years due to the dramatically rising cost of health care. Hence, the health care delivery system of the 21st century has put emphasis on managed care and incorporated it into case management. Case management is a system of delivering patient care that focuses on improving the quality of service, utilizing resources and controlling health costs. Thus, the role of case managers has become a key position to successfully implement case management. Nurses make excellent case managers in a disease management program by virtue of their rich clinical skills, knowledge and their regular I nteractions with patients and other health care providers. Case management is a new nursing practice in Taiwan, and currently lacks preparation and standardization for practicing competencies; however, we look forward to the development and incorporation of the profession of case managers into advanced nursing practice as well as the recognition of the importance of such a role within the health care system.


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