  • 期刊


How to Solve the Communication Dilemma of Nursing Preceptors


護理臨床教師(Preceptor)是畢業後二年期護理師(nurse of post-graduated year,NPGY)進入職場的引航師,NPGY畢業後進入職場,由護理生到護理師角色及職責的改變,從過去有師長協助呵護到須自行面對及解決問題,因溝通不良所導致的挫敗感可能造成適應上的阻礙,甚或影響留任意願。溝通是臨床教師在指導過程的必備技巧,preceptor與NPGY在溝通過程中可能因認知落差而影響指導成效。然而溝通屬於實作能力,只仰賴傳統講授的課堂學習較無法應付實務所需,若能藉由情境演練模式,從實作互動中汲取經驗及學習溝通技巧的運用,有助於preceptor溝通能力的提升進而協助NPGY解決在適應過程中所面對的問題,經由同理支持並給予實質上的幫助,引導NPCY在正向的職場中勝任職務。本文旨在陳述preceptor的角色與功能,常面臨的溝通問題,及溝通技巧訓練常用的理論及方式,期能達到教學者有成就感,學習者能留任的目的。


Preceptors are the workplace mentors of nurses of post-graduated year (NPGYs). After graduating from school, the NPGYs' roles change from being students to working nurses who need to face and solve clinical problems independently. The frustration of ineffective communication can create obstacles to their adaptation of the work environment, and can even lead to a withdrawal from their nursing careers. Communication is an essential skill for preceptors when guiding the NPGYs in their period of learning, and the effectiveness of guidance may be affected due to miscommunication between preceptors and NPGYs. However, communication training is not practical when preceptors are only learning through traditional teaching methods; simulation practice is a more practical and effective method to improve the communication skills of preceptors and enable them to help NPGYs resolve problems within the workplace. Through empathy and solid assistance, preceptors will be able to lead NPGYs to become competent nurses in a positive workplace. The article aims to describe the roles and functions of preceptors, common communication problems when providing guidance, and communication training related theories and strategies. Through the methods mentioned in the article, we expect preceptors to achieve the feeling of accomplishment and NPGYs to endure their probationary period and continue their nursing careers.


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