  • 期刊


Nursing Experience from Caring for a Premature Infant with Gastroschisis




This article describes the care process of a 33+5 week premature infant with gastroschisis after staged abdominal wall closure. The nursing period is from November 3rd to 29th in 2017, with data obtained from systemic physical examination, direct nursing care, referring medical record, family background, interviewing, observation and records of the disease progression as well as behavioral development of individual cases. We established three health issues: failure of gastrointestinal tract; gastrointestinal tract; acute pain, and stress of the care givers. Applying development support in the care process includes containment, positioning, Kangaroo care, and stimulation by touching can reduce pain and stabilize the changes in vital signs. For the care givers, we carefully explained the symptoms, demonstrated the Kangaroo care, and establish the way to parent-child attachment relationships. As for the reduction of anxieties, we arrange the flexibility of visiting, discuss with parents to arrange relevant care cognition, skill and so on; reply teaching, provide timely encouragement, enhance care skills and increase self-confidence, so the case project is well looked after.


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