  • 期刊


Postoperative Care Experience for an Ovarian Cancer Patient with Psychological Impact




This article describes a caring experience of a middle-aged woman who was newly diagnosed with terminal stage of ovarian cancer and underwent surgery. In addition to the physical and psychological impact due to the uncertainty of treatments and outcomes, also found it hard to accept an initial diagnosis is already at the terminal stage of cancer. It encounters to the following health issues such as anxiety, ineffective role performance, and personal coping disorders; hence initiated the author's motivation to write. The period of nursing care was from May 11 to 25, 2018. Data were collected through observation, listening, physical examination, interviews, and medical history review according to Gordon's Functional Health Patterns Assessment; hence identified health issues of the case includes acute pain, anxiety, disturbed body image, personal adjustment disorder, hazard fall, and risk of infection. In order to relief pain, nursing care included access to abdominal binders, relaxation techniques, with music and massage therapy. In addition, encourage patient to participate in ovarian cancer support groups to share thoughts and experiences, providing empathy, caring, and accompany the patient to express her feelings; also to arrange the doctor to hold medical consultation, for patient's purpose of accepting the fact of body image change. Moreover, apply oil massage and counseling referrals to reduce anxiety and assist in contacting the patient's older sister to strengthen family support were also beneficial during care. This article recommends the unit to arrange the on-the-job training education in psychological counseling to escalate nurses' knowledge of psychological care and utilizing counseling skills to improve care quality among ovarian cancer patients. Finally, through cross-disciplinary teamwork, assist the case undergoing the family impact in the early stage of illness. Hopefully this nursing experience can serve as a reference in caring for similar patients in the future.


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