  • 期刊


Reducing Hyperphosphatemia Ratio in Dialysis Patients by Applying Multiple Teaching Models




This unit is a hemodialysis room of a regional teaching hospital. According to statistics, the ratio of patients with serum phosphorus values greater than 6.0 mg/dL from April to June 2018 was 25.5%, which was 20% higher than the ratio recommended by the Society of Nephrology. The purpose of this project is to reduce the occurrence rate of hyperphosphatemia in dialysis patients. We analyzed the reasons for the increased incidences of hyperphosphatemia in dialysis patients include: the patients were unable to correctly name the types of foods with high phosphorus level, comorbidities of hyperphosphatemia, and incorrectly taking calcium and phosphorus binders; the nursing staff did not actually implement nursing education and the content was inconsistent. In response to the above issues, the improvement measures were proposed include: planning group health education courses for patients with hyperphosphatemia, educating and training for nursing staff, producing "traffic light" food cards with high phosphorus level, high-phosphorus nursing guidance CDs and posters; designing and producing small portable medicine boxes and so on. After the implementation of the improvement plan, the rate of hyperphosphatemia in dialysis patients decreased from 25.5% to 19.5%, and the target achievement rate was 109%. This project found utilizing effective methods and policy promotion can effectively reduce the blood phosphorus level of hemodialysis patients, thereby improving the quality of dialysis and enhance high-quality nursing services.


姜金伶、梁靖苓、林千如、莊雪芳、王素琴(2016).提升血液透析病人血磷監測值達成率專案.臺灣腎臟護理學會雜誌,14(1),19-32 。 http://doi.org/10.3966/172674042015031401002
陳秀惠、許碧月、簡美惠、劉翠瑤(2015).降低血液透析病人之高血磷專案.臺灣腎臟護理學會雜誌, 14(3) , 1-16 。 https://doi.org/10.3966/172674042015091403001
