  • 期刊


Development of Theory-Based Mobile Health Application Planning in Weight Management during Pregnancy




Appropriate weight gain is a significant health issue during pregnancy, being underweight or overweight during pregnancy will affect the health of both the mother and fetus directly. Weight management from the early stages of pregnancy should be organized in order to achieve an appropriate weight gain during pregnancy, using planned action theory through behavioral attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control to improve pregnant women's behavioral intention of healthy weight gain during pregnancy. Hence promote weight management habits and achieve appropriate weight gain during pregnancy. Information technology enables pregnant women's weight management without the constraints of time and space. It provides instant and accessible services; grasps real-time health information as well as promotes both healthy weight gain and management effectiveness during pregnancy. Therefore, this article collects recommended weights of Taiwanese women during pregnancy and uses the theory of planned action to develop applications of weight management during pregnancy. These include building electronic health and mobile health applications, including weight measurement reminder, pregnancy weight charts, pregnancy weight weekly report alert, health education consultation, abnormal weight warning, pregnancy issues database, family member sharing, reward section, and opinion exchange area. All these applications were developed for the purpose of improving maternal health service for both mothers and babies in order to achieve personalized and precise care.


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