  • 期刊


Nursing Experience in Caring for a Patient with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction




前十字韌帶 傷口照護 復健


This case is about the nursing experience of a 35-year-old woman who underwent ligament reconstruction surgery due to rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of her right knee while playing badminton.The caring period was from August 17th to 19th of 2020, during the care period, it was discovered that the patient suffered a rapid sports injury. In addition to postoperative wound pain, she was concerned about the prognosis of the disease and also afraid of not being able to move freely as previous, which triggered the author's motivation for writing this report.By applying Gordon’s Eleventh Functional Health Patterns Assessment and gathering information through observation, physical assessment, medical records and interviews, it was identified that the patient experienced health issues, such as acute pain, physical dysfunction, and anxiety. During the caring period, a good nurse-patient relationship was established and individualized care was provided. The patient was encouraged to choose her favorite television programs to distract her attention and help to ease her pain. By using cross-team field knowledge, call the rehabilitation team to jointly formulate rehabilitation goals for return home rehabilitation plans in this case. Furthermore, apply deep breathing technique, use essential oil as a form of aromatherapy as well as music therapy to divert the patient’s attention and reduce anxiety. Therefore assist the patient facing the disease process with a positive attitude, restore the previous lifestyle as soon as possible, and hence improve the quality of her life. The author hopes to make a contribution to patient care for such patients by sharing the nursing experience with nursing personnel in clinical care.


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