  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Hopeless Patients with Heart Failure by Applying Positive Psychology Theory




This study describes the nursing experience of a patient with Tetralogy of Fallot complication and heart failure, who experienced a sense of hopelessness due to the discomfort of heart failure symptoms, the quarantine space of the intensive care unit, and constant visits to the hospital. During the nursing period from July 11 to 22, 2020, Data were collected by observation, physical examination, unstructured interview and listening with psychological, physiological, social and spiritual aspects as the assessment framework. Hence established the patient's health issues include gas exchange dysfunction, activity intolerance, and hopelessness. By using positive psychology theory, the researcher created a positive environment to establish a good nursing relationship and makes good use of positive traits to guide the patient towards optimism which enabled him to gain self-confidence and gain a sense of achievement. As a result, when the patient faces the disease, he will have hope for life and will be brave enough to deal with it. By sharing this nursing experience, it is recommended that clinical care guidelines escalate the knowledge of positive psychology theory as a reference for caring of similar patients.


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