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Nursing Experience from Caring for a Young Man with Cervical Spine Injury




Spinal cord injury causes neurogenic bladder dysfunction leading to recurrent urinary infections, and it is a common complication in patients with spinal cord injury. This article is about a young man with cervical spine injury who suffered a compressive fracture of the sixth section of the cervical spine when he slipped in the swimming pool while cleaning it. After injury, the activities were limited, and the inability to engage in the sport he loved before, and the feeling of hopelessness had derived. The nursing period was from November 24 to December 14, 2020. Data was collected through observations, talks, and actual care, summarized and organized according to Gordon's Eleven Functional Health Patterns Assessment tool. Health issues were identified as urinary pattern disorders, physical activity dysfunction, and feeling of hopelessness. The nursing process applied includes building trusting relationships through proactive care to provide psychological support, enabling individual cases to express feelings to obtain psychological support and divert attention. In terms of physiology, we provide intermittent catheterization precautions, encourage participation in rehabilitation, improve self-care skills, and regain a sense of self-control. Hopefully this caring experience will provide a reference for colleagues when caring for such cases.


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