  • 期刊


Investigating National Kaohsiung Hospitality College Students' Desire to Attend the Teacher Education Program


本研究旨在了解高雄餐旅學院學生對修習師資培育課程的認知、意願、理由、問題、及期盼解決之道,以行動研究的方式,尋求解決相關的問題,期對師資培育課程作整體建議。為達研究目的,依據待答問題,以高雄餐旅學院1846名學生為對象,採問卷調查法,經發出1846份問卷,回收1846份,回收率100%,整理出有效問卷1831份,分析及討論後,獲得以下研究結果: 一、有七成七大多數的學生對師資培育課程所知不多,女學生、研究所、日間部學生對師資培育課程修習辦法認知較高;學生對「不瞭解修習辦法」、「課程繁多不易修完」,及「報考門檻太高無法如願」的問題關注較多。 二、半數以上學生有中上程度的意願修習師資培育課程,女學生、研究所、日間部學生對師資培育課程修習意願較高;其理由以對「教育工作的嚮往」居多,以「在未來生涯增加一個選擇機會」居次,以「多元學習適應多元社會」居三。 三、學生對修習師資培育課程可能面臨的問題,以「本科系與師資培育課程無法兼顧」居多,希望解決課程衝堂問題,以夜間、週末或寒暑假來開課;以「師培課程宣導不夠」居次,希多做宣導、多提供資訊、多辦說明會;以「未來教師職場已呈現飽和現象」居三,希將課程做妥善規劃,對未來職場需求做分析,並有計畫輔導同學順利取得教師工作;以「額外繳費造成經濟負擔」居四,希能有助學貸款、獎學金補助制度,以減輕負擔。 四、學生對師資培育中心的整體建議,以「有關課程安排的建議」為最多,「有關加強宣導的建議」居次,再則是「有關資格門檻的建議」居三。


This research aims to understand students'intentions of attending teacher education courses in the National Kaohsiung Hospitality College. Using active research methods, the research aims to discover the students' reasons, concerns and expectations of the teacher education courses. The purpose is to solve related problems and offer suggestions for the teacher education program in general. The survey method was passed out to 1846 students, and 1846 surveys were returned; the return rate being 100%. 1831 surveys were used as data for analysis and conclusion. The research results are as follows: 1. Only 23% of college students understand the nature of teacher education courses while 77% know very little about it. Female college students, students in graduate programs, and day time students know more about the teacher education program. Of all those who understand the nature of teacher education courses, the curriculum load, the high standard of admittance and an overload of courses are the main concerns. 2. More than half of students are willing to take teacher education courses. Female college students, students in graduate programs, and day time students showed more interest in the program. Their reasons, from strongest to weakest ranking, include a passion for educational jobs, more choices for future careers, and the development of diverse learning required for a diverse society. 3. The problems college students may face when taking teacher education courses include the inability to fulfill both teacher education courses and their original professional courses at the same time, in which they hope that the courses can be offered during the evening, weekends, or long breaks; the insufficiently publicized recruitments of teacher education students, in which they hope to be better informed and that more seminars are held to understand and publicize the program; the phenomenon of an excessive number of teachers, in which they hope to be offered job opportunities, aiding a smooth transition into a future career; and the financial burden of teacher education tuitions, in which they hope to be offered financial aid and student loans. 4. The suggestions college students provided for the teacher education program, in order of most to least suggested, regarded curriculum arrangement, well-publicized student recruitments, and the recruitment standard.
