因應社會所需而生的短期諮商學派中,焦點解決短期諮商(solution focused brief counseling,SFBC)是其中相當盛行的一支;SFBC易懂易學,強調一次諮商的特別適用於社福機構諮商義工的訓練。再者,社區諮商義工諮商訓練精神與方案的發展,是諮商專業因應時代所需的發展新趨勢。本研究的主要目的是針對社區諮商義工進行SFBC初階訓練,並從實際訓練的經驗中,反思與形成訓練方案的課程內容與流程、訓練方式的行動策略,並進一步歸納分析訓練方案的構成要素。本研究於發展方案的過程中,由三個社福機構召集其諮商義工,以各縣市同一機構為單位,進行兩天的訓練工作坊,一共十場次,共約有三百人參加。於每場次中,收集課程的錄音帶與參與觀察記錄,並以問卷調查、焦點團體、事後個別訪談方式瞭解受訓義工的學習反應。於每次工作坊後,研究者撰寫研究日誌,並根據收集的資料進行反思,修改原先的訓練方案內容,然後再帶領下一次的工作坊。所有研究資料,根據發現式取向的精神,進行質性分析。本研究的研究結果與討論分為五部分呈現:(一)社區諮商義工SFBC初階訓練方案的內容與流程。(二)各種主要訓練方式的行動策略與省思。(三)社區諮商義工SFBC初階訓練方案的構成要素。(四)訓練方案的檢討。(五)訓練者的成長與學習。本研究並針對未來研究方向提出建議。
Solution-focused brief counseling (SFBC) is one of the most popular brief therapies that have been developed recently for the needs of the modern society. SFBC is easy to understand and learn and emphasizes on solving problems in one single session. Therefore it is a useful program to train counseling volunteers in social welfare institutions. The purpose of this research was to investigate the principles and elements of SFBC introductory counseling training program for counseling volunteers in the social welfare institution, because developing the counseling training program for community counseling volunteers is new trend of counseling profession.Three hundred volunteers from three different social welfare institutions participated in a two-day solution-focused counseling training program. Tape records, participant observation, questionnaire survey, focus group and interviews were executed after ten workshops. Research diaries were written by the investigator after each workshop. All the research data was analyzed by discover–oriented qualitative research method. Then the counseling training programs were redesigned after the researcher’s reflective thinking according to the research data analysis.The main activities , principles and elements of this training program were presented and discussed. Reflection of the trainer and suggestions about future training and researches were proposed.