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「誰」是博物館體制下的「非觀眾」?初論《凝視驛鄉-Voyage 15840移工攝影展》於蘆荻社大之行動研究

Who are the "Non-visitors" in the Museum System? A Preliminary Exploration of "Voyage 15840-Migrant Worker Photography Exhibition" at Ludi Community College, Taiwan




In this article, the author is not only a member of the museum staff, but also an actor who embeds himself in the mainstream museum system, desiring action and change. With regard to the participating actors, all members of the Ludi Community College and Taiwan International Workers Association (TIWA) were ”potential visitors” who had long been excluded from the mainstream museum system. The author reflects on the museum exhibition curating mechanism and its organization, especially on how it excludes some visitors from participating in museum exhibitions without creating alternative choices for them. In addition, the author also discusses his hope of inviting individuals from different social classes to participate in exhibitions outside the museum (i.e., in the streets).


台灣國際勞工協會TIWA(2010):〈台灣國際勞工協會簡介〉。線上檢索於2011 年6 月5 日,取自http://www.tiwa.org.tw/index.php?itemid=1&catid=1。
朱瑩琪(2007):〈蘆荻群芳譜〉。線上檢索於2011 年6 月5 日,取自http://www.ludi.org.tw/modules/weblog/details.php?blog_id=35。
江敬芳(2007):〈凝視驛鄉移工攝影展.展場〉。線上檢索於2011 年6 月5 日,取自http://imagedancer.blogspot.tw/2007/06/voyage-15840.html。
吳靜如編(2008)。凝視驛鄉─Voyage 15840 移工攝影集。台北:印刻。
