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Gender equality and marriage equality: From research findings to reflections upon social justice




Social movement to protomte gender equality has been undergoing in Taiwan for over twenty years, in which different challenges and issues have been dealt with. From a social justice perspective, this article aims to examine both the progresses and obstacles in the movement and in particular, focuses on a recent controversial issue-marriage equality. Using data from the Taiwan Social Change Survey (Gender Module, 2012), I identified five predictors via factor analysis (i.e. stereotypes of homosexuals, husband-wife family structure, conservative sexual attitudes, motherhood roles, and gender division and attitudes of gender inequality) and used them to predict respondents' attitudes towards same sex marriage. The findings showed that male, older individuals were more likely to oppose same sex marriage. In addition, sexually conservative individuals who upheld stereotypes of homosexuals and believed that husband-wife family structure is superior to other family structure were more likely to oppose same sex marriage. Implications regarding obstacles in realizing social justice and potential breakthroughs are offered.


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