  • 期刊





甲骨文 歷組卜辭 字體 分期斷代 特徵字 武丁 文武丁


The basic problem we face when we study oracle-bone inscriptions is to determine the era they belong to. It is a very complicated and difficult task to make the determination accurate. It is also a constant controversy among scholars. The debate about Li-zu oracle inscriptions is another mystery in era-determination after "the mystery of Wen-wu-ding". There are different opinions among scholars until today. A group of scholars, Mr. Zuo-bing Dong as main character, maintain that they belong to Wu-Yi or Wen-Ding Era according to the style of script, examples, names of people, appellation and the phenomenon of different style appearing on the same inscription. However, another group of scholars, Mr. Xue-qing Li as leading character, argue that they should belong to late Wu-ding to Zu-geng Era. In this article, under the assumption that script style classification as a studying method is well accepted among the field of studying bone inscriptions, the author will look at the structure of characters, the style of calligraphy and the usage of words to discuss the problem of style classification and era determination.
