  • 期刊


Name of the thesis: Discussion on Hu chi's definition of the "Truth" in the biographical literature


德.伽達默爾認為人文學科的真理並非以實驗得到結論,而是依據文本提出的課題在對話中達到共識。本文即以問答結構,論述中國歷史意識(Sensus communis)與胡適在「傳記文學」對「真實」共同課題的意義分有。藉學者黃自鴻、胡梓穎對中國傳統的辨體類與選文的研究成果,中國傳統理想的傳記文學符合「傳主特點、真實的細節、歷史或社會背景和虛構的内容四種要素。」然胡適批判中國傳統書寫方式過於含蓄,缺乏傳主的細節描寫、沒有第一手史料,不便使普遍受過教育的人民清楚的吸收。據此,本文分析相關論述,認為胡適舉中國傳統文學史上語錄體、白話小說為傳記文學的範例,要強調的是人物刻畫的直接,有潛力令讀者更「真實」了解傳主的事迹,並且達到教育的作用。


胡適 傳記文學 真實 對話


Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900-2002) thinks that the human science and the natural science both have different approaches on how to define the truth. The Human science does not reach sensus communis of the "truth" with the natural science by scientific experiments, instead, by the dialocgical method. The objective of this journal is to understand the thinking process on how Hu chi defines the "truth"in the biographical literature. Wong Chi-hung and Wu Tsz-wing Giovanna also explain that the Chinese traditional biographical literature elements such as people, stories and major social or historical events should be based on the realities. However, Hu chi argued that the style of writing and historical prospect are more likely to help people who familiar with the vocabulary understand literary biography. He opposes with the traditional Chinese comparative writing style that focuses on the personality of an individual. The core value of this journal is to find the realities of literary biography. This paper analyzes the statements between the points of view from Hu in the Chinese traditional biographical literature and the Chinese traditional distinguish style of writing. The examples about vernacular fictions and quotation styles mentioned by Hu emphasize the depiction of human beings so the readers can understand the truth of the stories of biagraphee better and they can make the society more civilized.


Hu chi biographical literature truth Dialog
