  • 期刊


Home Care of a Stroke Patient with Disability and Bullous Pemphigoid




腦中風 類天疱瘡 壓力負荷


This report described a home nursing care experience of a disabled patient with stroke and bullous pemphigoid. The home nursing care was from 12/25/2010-4/1/2011, including 7 home visits and 6 telephone interviews. Based on Gordon 11-item Healthy Assessment, we evaluated the condition of this patient and his caregivers by using skills of physical evaluation, observation, and conversation. Health problems such as existing infection risk, impaired skin integrity, barrier of physical activity and caregiver burden were revealed by analysis. The urinary catheter was cared properly and then removed smoothly after teaching how to care and bladder training. After proper wound-care teaching and adjustment of homemade diet to promote wound healing, no more infection happened over impaired skin. We not only provided daily life care guidance but gave the patient positive feedback of rehabilitation to maintain the function of intact side. After teaching conceptions of the home care, catheters care, and rehabilitation skills; and providing the referrals of supporting groups and professionals, stress of family members was effectively lessened (Stree Self Test from 17 to 8). We look forward to improving the quality of home nursing care by providing this experience.


stroke bullous pemphigoid caregiver burden
