  • 期刊


Nutrition Care Experience of a Dysphagia Home Patient




This case is a 68-year-old home care of severely disabled men, resulting in dysphagia due to stroke with nasogastric tube feeding, his primary caregiver is his wife, she was very expected the case's body function can be restored especially hoping to resume as soon as possible by the oral intake, and therefore part of the tube feeding formula was eated from mouth. The Taipei city Long-term care Center referred this case to the Taipei Dietitian Association, and the dietitian conducted total of three times home visits and twice telephone interviews in September between 101 to 102 years in June, a, as observed in the case when eating choking response, so it was not suggested that the family will continue to increase or maintain the food from the mouth to feed, but because self-extubation cases, families put food to feed the entire population, this may result in the subsequent cases of disease recurrence. This report retrospectively review the case of nutrition care process, to discuss the cases of dysphagia home dietitian for diet advice, and in the absence of team resources, should be more actively assist the case home to seek other medical professional assessment and intervention.


stroke dysphagia dysphagia diet
