  • 期刊


Assistive Devices Payment System with Long-term Care Insurance in Japan: A Reference for Taiwan




In the past, our national long-term care policy only subsidized the purchase of assistive devices. In the long-term care ten-year plan 2.0 starting from 2018, part of the assistive devices for the payment (E code) will be subsidized for rent. But this payment system for rent is on a small scale. The Ministry of Health and Welfare promise to regard the implementation experience of this new system and will do rolling correction. As a reference for our future development of long-term care services for assistive technology, this paper explores the policy of assistive technology under the Japan long-term care insurance which has been in place near 20 years. It is found that Japan clearly defines their long-term care services for assistive technology as a primary "subsidies for rental services" system with only a few subsidies for purchase, and requires the subsidized assistive devices to be audited and registered with TAIS code. A personal quota system based on the level of support or care required, a certain percentage of the deductible, and use of a well-planned benchmarks for the operation of the assistive devices leasing industry as an important management mechanism for quality assurance are implemented by Japan. Japan's long-term care insurance creates a large-scale economical and service-quality assistive technology market, and enables users to use the long-term care subsidy resources with caution. Based on the experience of the Japanese long-term care insurance, this paper gives discussion and recommendations for the assistive technology-related polices, plus the payment system, the vendor registration system, and the needs assessment by the qualified assistive technology professionals in our national long-term care 2.0 plan.


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