  • 期刊


The Psychological Analysis in Zuo zhuan with Jung's Archetype Theory


《左傳》記載魯國十二公期間所發生的歷史,以客觀的第三人稱角度來敘述歷史洪流。在這漫漫的254 年之中,詳實記錄各國在政治、軍事、經濟、外交等方面的重要事件與人物。《左傳》雖為編年體史書,然無論是題材、人物、情節、對白等方面,皆給予後代史學與文學相當大的影響。《左傳》敘述事件流暢、刻畫人物鮮明,在記載史實方面,《左傳》確立特殊的史學體例與獨特的文學風格。然而歷史仍以「人」為本,若不能瞭解人物心理,便不能得知史事起訖。故本文以魯國的「豎牛之亂」與衛國的「衛靈公之立」為例,此二事件的人、事、時、地皆大不相同。透過《左傳》原文與各家註解,並運用榮格「原型」理論分類並探討所牽涉的人物,可發現其中共同處,將之分成四類:智慧耆老與父親、英雄與陰影,兩兩相對,反映人類心理的光明面與黑暗面。因此本文以《左傳》原文為主,心理學理論為輔,以求深入瞭解《左傳》歷史事件的成因,亦針對其人物作一探討,辨明其心理活動與脈絡。


左傳 豎牛之亂 衛靈公之立 榮格 原型


Zuo zhuan compiled the history of the rulers of State of Lu by using third-person narration. States of Lu lasts for 254 years, and Zuo zhuan covers important events and celebrities in this period and various aspects are included, such as politics, military, economic and diplomatic…etc. Although Zuo zhuan is an analytical history chronicle, its events, characters, plots and dialogues affect both history and literature nowadays. Not only because of the way historical events are told, but also the vivid imaged it has portrayed. Participants of the historical events should be the core of the history; therefore, understanding the characteristics of the characters in the history is a key factor of understanding historical events. The article has selected the turmoil of Niu in State of Lu and the enthronement of Duke Ling of Wei's. These two events have different participants, times and location. However, by after analyzing Zuo zhuan, its related comments and Archetypes of Carl Gustav Jung, both events share some similarities. The people involved in both events can be categorized into four types: Wise old man, Father, Hero and Shadow. Compare the categories; they are the contrast of the dark side and the bright side of humanity. The article will analyze the participants by using Zuo Zhuan and supplement with psychological theories to understand the reasons of the historical events and the mental activities of participants.


《春秋左傳正義》 (周)左丘明傳 (晉)杜預注 (唐)孔穎達疏收入《十三經注疏》 臺北藝文印書館 2013 年 3 月
《史記會注考證》 (日)瀧川龜太郎著臺北萬卷樓圖書公司 2010 年 5 月
《左傳分國集注》 韓席籌編註臺北華世出版社 1978 年 12 月
《導讀榮格》 Robert H. Hopcker 作蔣韜譯新北立緒文化 1997 年 1 月
《千面英雄》 Joseph Campbell 作朱侃如譯新北立緒文化 1998 年 4 月
