  • 期刊


The Relationships of Working Values and health-promoting Lifestyles among Yilan County's Elementary School Teachers


本研究在探討國小教師工作價值觀與健康促進生活型態之關係。以宜蘭縣國小教師為研究對象,採用分層隨機抽樣方式,以自填問卷蒐集資料,共寄出問卷364份,回收問卷329份,回收率90.3%,除描述性統計外,採t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析等進行分析資料。 本研究的主要發現如下: (一)國小教師工作價值觀整體及各層面得分中上,而在各層面中,以「利他」層面得分最高,「組織安全」層面得分最低。 (二)國小教師健康促進生活型態整體及各層面得分達中上程度,而在各層面中,以「人際關係」層面得分最高,「健康責任、運動與營養」層面得分最低。 (三)不同婚姻、教育背景、擔任職務及學校規模之國小教師其工作價值觀整體及各層面有顯著差異。 (四)擔任不同職位的國小教師在「壓力管理」層面上有顯著差異。 (五)國小教師之工作價值觀與健康促進生活型態在整體及各層面上皆達顯著相關。 其中以「工作價值觀整體」與「健康促進生活型態整體」的相關性最高;工作價值觀「物質報酬」層面與健康促進生活型態「人際關係」層面相關性最低。亦即工作價值觀愈佳、健康促進生活型態愈佳。


This study focused on the relations of teachers' working values and health-promoting lifestyles among Yilan County's elementary schools. The study is based on a self-administered questionnaire using stratified sampling to recruuit subjects from 35 elementary schools in Yilan County. A total of 364 questionnaires were sent out and 329 responses were acquired with a return rate of 90.3 percent. Besides descriptive data analysis, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-moment correlation were applied to analyze the data. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. Elementary school teachers' overall working values and all the dimensions reached the upper-middle levels. Among the dimensions, ”Altruism” scored the highest, while ”Organizational Safety” the lowest. 2. Elementary school teachers' overall health-promoting lifestyles and all the dimensions reached the upper-middle levels. Among the dimensions; ”Human Relations” scored the highest, while ”Responsibility for Health, Sports and Nutrition” the lowest. 3. There are significant differences in the overall working values of teachers with different marital status, educational background, positions and the size of the primary school. 4. There are significant differences in the stress management with different positions. 5. Elementary school teachers' working values and health-promoting lifestyles show a significant correlation. The highest corrleation is between the overall working values of teachers and health-promoting lifestyles scores. The lowest is between the material rewards of working value and the human relationship of health-promoting lifestyles. The work values are better, the health-promoting life styles are better


