  • 期刊


A Study of Health Concepts and Health Behaviors for Senior Grade Students of Elementary Schools in Hualien County


本研究旨在探討花蓮縣國小高年級學童(以下稱為研究對象)健康概念與健康行為之現況,不同社會人口學變項之研究對象在健康概念、健康行為上之差異,健康概念與健康行為間之關係,以及健康行為之預測變項。本研究以97學年度花蓮縣107所國小高年級學童共8,828人為母群體,以比率機率抽樣法抽取花蓮縣9所國民小學共465人,但有學生當天參加社團活動無法參與,故實際發出433份問卷。採問卷調查法,共回收有效問卷413份,有效問卷比率為95.4%。本研究主要發現如下:一、 研究對象之健康概念具多元性且正向。健康概念的四個層面(臨床性、角色功能性、調適性、安寧幸福感)中,以「角色功能性健康概念」分量表得分最高,「臨床性健康概念」分量表得分最低。二、 女生的健康概念較男生來得顯著正向。而年齡、年級、族群、父母親教育程度、家庭富裕程度及健康訊息來源在健康概念量表總得分上皆未達顯著差異。三、 研究對象之健康行為以「物質(菸、酒、檳榔)使用行為」呈現最低頻率(表現最佳,最正向),其次為「事故及非事故傷害行為」、「飲食行為」,「身體活動與休閒活動參與行為」的表現較差。表示國小高年級學童在從事規律運動及正向休閒活動的認知及行為上明顯不足。四、 父母親教育程度為大學以上、中或高等家庭富裕程度、健康訊息來源為醫生護士及家人朋友者,有較正向的健康行為,不同年齡、性別、年級及族群之研究對象在健康行為量表總得分上則無顯著差異存在。五、 研究對象的健康概念與健康行為之間達顯著正相關。六、 以社會人口學變項與健康概念變項來預測「整體健康行為」時,可以解釋「整體健康行為」總變異量的14.2%。主要的預測變項經迴歸檢定,為「家庭富裕程度」、「健康訊息來源為老師」、「安寧幸福感健康概念」,其中又以「家庭富裕程度」最具解釋力。綜合上述結果,本研究提出幾項建議,供國小健康與體育課程教材發展、學校與衛生行政單位推動相關活動設計、及國內青少年健康資料建立之參考。


The purpose of this study was to understand: (1) the health concepts and health behaviors among senior grade students of elementary school in Hualien County; (2) the difference of health concepts and health behaviors under different demographic factors; (3) the correlation between health concepts and health behaviors; and (4) the predictive factors of health behaviors. The target populations of this study were all the senior grade students of elementary schools enrolled in school year 2008 of Hualien County. A total of 433 students from 9 elementary schools were sampled by PPS (probability proportionate to size sampling method) and 413 valid questionnaires were collected. The valid reply rate was 95.4%.The main findings of the study were as follows:1. Among four aspects of the health concepts of the senior grade students of elementary schools, the score of the ”functional/role performance health conception” was the highest, and the ”clinical health conception” was the lowest.2. Female students got higher scores than male students on ”whole health conception”, ”functional/role performance health conception” and ”eudemonic health conception”. There were no significant differences on any aspects of health concepts in different age, grade, race, parents' education levels and the source of health information.3. There was lowest frequency on using substance use behavior. There were lower frequency on drinking milk and eating vegetables but higher frequency on drinking soft drinks, on wearing helmet or protectors while cycling, on undertaking physical and leisure activities.4. Students, whose parents' education levels were college or higher, social-economic levels were average or higher, sources of health information were from family or friends or from doctor and nurse, got higher scores in health behavior.5. The higher scores of the health conception, the higher scores the students got in the health behaviors. Health concepts were significantly positive correlated to health behaviors.6. By multiple regressions, demographic factors and health concepts contributed 14.2% total variance of health behaviors.According to the above findings, this study provides suggestions on developing teaching materials of health education for elementary schools, promoting relative activities on schools, and establishing health data base of adolescent in Taiwan.
