  • 期刊


Factors Related to Smoking Behavior Intention among Junior High School Students in Taoyuan County




The main purposes of this study were to understand the current situations of smoking intention of the junior high school students, to explore and analyze the relationships among their background factors, knowledge of smoking hazard, smoking attitudes, anti-smoking self-efficacy and smoking behavior intention, and analyze the predictability of their smoking intention. A questionnaire survey was used in the study. The subjects were the junior high school students in Taoyuan County, including both in public and in private schools. The valid questionnaires were 569 copies.The main findings of this study were as follows:1. There were significant differences between knowledge of smoking hazard and background variables of ”grades”, ”academic achievement”, ”parent-child relationship” and ”anti-tobacoo interactive-education at elementary school in Taoyuan County and impression on the quit- smoking lessons”.2. There were significant differences between smoking attitudes and background variables of ”gender”, ”academic achievement”, ”smoking experiences”, ”family structure”, ”parent-child relationship”, ”whether their friends smoked”, ”anti-tobacoo interactive-education at elementary school in Taoyuan County and impression on the quit- smoking lessons” and ”whether they received anti-smoking lessons in a year”.3. There were significant differences between anti-smoking self-efficacy and background variables of ”academic achievement”, ”smoking experiences”, ”family structure”, ”parent-child relationship”, ”whether their family smoked”, ”how many days a week their family smoked”, ”monthly allowance”, ”whether their friends smoked”, ”anti-tobacoo interactive-education at elementary school in Taoyuan County” and ”whether they received anti-smoking lessons in a year”.4. The smoking attitudes and anti-smoking self-efficacy could predict the smoking intention of the students.5. The smoking experiences, monthly allowance, anti-tobacoo interactiveeducation at elementary school in Taoyuan County, and their impression on the quit-smoking lessons, smoking knowledge, smoking attitudes and anti-smoking self-efficiency could predict smoking behavior intention, with the explained variance being 47.0%.Based on the study findings, suggestions are provided. regarding anti-smoking education strategy for the adolescent and how to enforce anti-smoking strategy in the future to reduce adolescent smoking problem efficiently.
