  • 期刊


The influence of exercise intervention and festival effect on the physiological indicators of the atayal indigenes


本研究旨在驗證泰雅族原住民參加節慶暴飲暴食的效應以及於節慶期間實施運動介入對生理指標的影響。本研究採準實驗設計,由泰雅族20至70歲人口中,選取60名無規律運動且願意配合研究者為樣本。採隨機的方式將其中30名分派為實驗組,另30名為控制組,實驗組於泰雅族文化季期間實施12週的運動介入,每週3次每次一小時,運動介入為強度介於50-70HR max的泰雅族傳統民族舞蹈課程,控制組不實施任何運動介入。運動介入之前、後48小時實施前、後測,項目包括健康體適能與生理指標。所得資料以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子共變數進行統計分析。結果發現:1.兩組前測的各項生理指標差異均未達統計上的顯著程度;2.實驗組後測的血壓、膽固醇總量、及三分鐘登階等項生理指標都比對照組後測顯著地有利於健康。本研究依據結果建議泰雅族原住民可採用傳統民族舞蹈介入以改善其生理指標,並於文化季期間注意飲食,以維護生理健康。


This study aimed to assess the influence of binge eating and drinking and exercise intervention during festival period on physiological indicators of the Atayal indigenes. A quasi-experimental design was conducted. 60 subjects were recruited among Atayal indigenes aged 20-70 without periodic exercise habit and were willing to participate in the study. Subjects were assigned randomly to experiment (N=30) and control (N=30) groups, The former joined the practice of formal dancers who will perform in the festival three times a week for 8 successive weeks during festival period, the exercise intesity was 50-70 HRmax, and the later took no intervention. Indications of health and physical fitness and physiological indicators of both groups were examined 48 hours before and after the intervention. The data collected were analyzed by independent t-test and one way ANCOVA. The results of this study indicated that the pretest difference of indications of health and physical fitness and physiological indicators between experiment and control groups were not statistically significant. Indicators of post-test blood pressure, post-test cholesterol, post-test cholesterol and post-test 3 min. step test of experiment group were significantly favored participants health than those of control group. Based on the results of the study, the authors suggest that Atayal indigenes can practice periodic folk dancing favored the physiological indicators to improve their indications of health and physical fitness and physiological indicators, in the meantime watch diet to stay in health.
