  • 期刊


Basic Research of Nobile-type Dendrobium in Japan


春石斛蘭泛指Dendrobium nobile經過改良後之品種群,主要利用節芽進行營養繁殖。石斛蘭屬為複莖性之蘭科植物,一年可自莖基部產生1─2個新芽,當新芽伸長達到一定高度後,則會產生止葉(停心)而停止伸長,然後假球莖開始充實肥大。假球莖成熟後若遭逢低溫,則腋芽會分化成為花芽並開花。日本為研究春石斛蘭之重要國家之一,本文就日本歷來有關春石斛蘭自萌芽至開花之生理研究作一整理介紹,以作為台灣春石斛蘭研究及栽培之參考。


春石斛蘭 萌芽 開花 環境


Nobile-type dendrobium includes the hybrids selected from the crossing of Dendrobium nobile. The typical method for vegetative propagation of Dendrobium is using lateral buds as propagation materials. Dendrobium is a kind of sympodial orchids that produces 1-2 buds per year from the back shoots. When the new shoots reach a limited height, flag leaves at the top of the shoots develop and the shoots stop elongation. Then the shoots begin enrich and turn into pseudobulbs. The mature pselldobulbs are ready to bloom after low temperature treatment. Japan is one of the important countries that put the efforts on research of nobile-type dendrobium. This review focused on the description of physiological knowledge about nobile-type dendrobium in Japan, especially on the physiology of bud formation and blooming. Hopefully the information can offer some idea for researchers and growers in Taiwan.
