  • 期刊


Application of ISSR Molecular Marker Technology on Identification of Relationship of Coffee (Coffea spp.) Germplasm


本研究以嘉義農業試驗分所收集的咖啡種原為材料,以簡單序列重複區間分子生物技術(ISSR)進行34種咖啡種原之遺傳相關性分析。由100條UBC ISSR引子中篩選出19條引子,所產生的條帶具多型性且再現性良好。結果共有337條條帶產生,其中多型性條帶有249條,多型性條帶比例為74%,阿拉比卡咖啡HAES6590有3條專一性條帶,而L11、L23及Caturra(Y)也各有1條專一性條帶,這些條帶將可用於這幾個種原鑑定時之參考。經遺傳相似性聚類分析,結果顯示羅布斯塔及賴比瑞亞咖啡與阿拉比卡咖啡分為不同主群,相似性係數為0.58。阿拉比卡咖啡32品種(系)的遺傳相似性係數介於0.66至0.99之間,Caturra(Y)與其他阿拉比卡咖啡相似性係數為0.66,親緣關係最遠,其他阿拉比卡咖啡相似性係數均在0.88以上。


The Coffea spp. germplasm accessions planted at Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Station, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Chiayi were used in this research. The inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) molecular marker technology was applied to study the genetic relationship of thirty four coffee accessions. A total of 100 UBC's ISSR primers were screened for their ability to produce strongly amplified products and 19 of them were selected positively. Out of 337 DNA bands amplified by these 19 primers, 249 were polymorphic (74%). In accessions of C. arabica, HAES6590 had 3 specific bands and L11, L23 and Caturra(Y) all had one specific band which could be used for identification of these accessions. A dendrogram based on the UPGMA cluster analysis was constructed. All tested coffee germplasm accessions were divided into two groups and the genetic similarity of distance was 0.58. One group included C. canephora and C. liberica and the other one was C. arabica. The genetic similarity among the 32 accessions of C. arabica ranged from 0.66 to 0.99. Caturra(Y) had the lowest 0.66 similarity with other C. arabica accessions, indicting that it had the farest genetic relationship to the rest of C. arabica. The other 31 accessions had more than 0.88 genetic similarity with each other.
