  • 期刊


Cluster Analysis and Identify of Medicinal Dendrobium Species Using Chloroplast Genes Sequences and Molecular Marker for D. huoshanense


本研究針對多種藥用石斛屬植物,如霍山石斛、鐵皮石斛、銅皮石斛、黃花石斛、金釵石斛(春石斛)、櫻石斛、流蘇石斛、紫皮石斛、本場雜交種-種苗金皇1號(金釵石斛x黃花石斛)、種苗金童1號(金釵石斛x銅皮石斛)、銅皮石斛x霍山石斛、金釵石斛x櫻石斛,及非石斛屬之滇金石斛等,利用擴增及分析葉綠體matK之DNA序列,以判斷不同石斛種間植物遺傳差異性。結果顯示,葉綠體matK基因存在鹼基插入與缺失之序列差異性,適合作為品種間親緣分析工具。利用MEGA 5.10軟體對所有石斛品種進行群叢分析,所有測試石斛屬植物可區分為3群,第1群為黃花石斛與鐵皮石斛;第2群為霍山石斛、銅皮石斛、紫皮石斛、金釵石斛、櫻石斛;第3群為流蘇石斛與滇金石斛,本場育成雜交品種種苗金皇一號與黃花石斛為相同分群,雜交品種種苗金童一號與金釵石斛分群一致。本研究另開發一組由葉綠體trnL-trnF間隔區序列之分子標誌,只擴增霍山石斛特定DNA序列,其餘藥用石斛屬植物無法擴增DNA條帶,雖然雜交品種(銅皮x霍山)並未擴增出DNA條帶,仍值得進一步確認作為霍山石斛專一性分子標誌可行性。


Dendrobium species have been used as important herbal medicines in Asia. This study, based on the analysis of chloroplast maturase-conding (matK) gene, conducted an genetic study to identify Dendrobium species (D. officinale, D. devoninum, D. nobile, D. linawianum, D. finbriatum, D. tosaense, D. moniliforme, D. huoshanense), hybrids (D. moniliforme X D. huoshanense, D.nobile X D. linawianum, D. Taiseed Tosnobile Taiseed Emperor No. 1- (D. nobile X D. tosaense), D. Cassiope Taiseed Golden Boy No. 1- (D. nobile X D. moniliforme) ) and Flickingeria albopurpurea species. Results revealed that the matK gene was diverse and could be used for phylogenetic study. Based on the phylogenetic trees (MEGA 5.10 software) constructed from matK gene sequences, it was successfully to group Dendrobium species and Flickingeria albopurpurea into 3 clusters. The cluster 1 included D. tosaense, and D. officinale, whereas the cluster 2 composed by D. huoshanense, D. moniliforme, D. devoninum, D. nobile and D. linawianum. The cluster 3 containd D. finbriatum and Flickingeria albopurpurea. Taiseed Emperor No. 1 (D. nobile X D. tosaense) and Taiseed Goldenboy No. 1 (D. nobile X D. moniliforme) was clustered with D. tosaense and D. nobile, respectively. The developed marker trnLF450/DENA based on the chloroplasr DNA trnL-trnF spacer region was successful to specific amplify the DNA of D. huoshanense, but not other Dendrobium species and Flickingeria albopurpurea. The marker trnLF450/DENA could be functional as a specific marker for D. huoshanense identification.
