  • 期刊


Correlation Analysis of Bitter Gourd Character Performance


苦瓜為臺灣重要夏季蔬果之一,全球主要生產地中,除中國、印度等國家有部分研究外,其他地區對於苦瓜遺傳特性與相關研究分析則少有探討。為瞭解苦瓜園藝性狀之遺傳行為與產量構成要素間之相關性,本試驗以種苗改良繁殖場所純化的55 個苦瓜自交系與30 個全互交組合為材料,進行自交系與組合特性之相關分析,在影響產量的開花與果實性狀方面,各自交系之果長、果徑、果實周長、果重、果型指數及果肉厚度等性狀呈顯著差異,顯示不同自交系間之性狀有高度變異存在。以相關分析法(Correlation analysis)得知果長、果徑、果肉厚度均與果重呈現顯著正相關,可作為品系純化過程,果實選拔的參考依據。在各組合表現方面,進行18 個性狀的相關分析,得知主蔓第15-25 節雌花數與第一朵雌花開花日數、第一朵雌花開花節位、第一朵雄花節位均達顯著正相關,說明可以上述3 個開花性狀進行間接選拔。在果實性狀上,果重、果長及果型指數互呈顯著正相關;而果徑與果實周長呈顯著正相關,因此進行雜交組合時,可參考自交系的果實性狀作為選擇親本的依據,以提高雜交組合的表現。


苦瓜 相關分析 間接選拔


Bitter gourd occupies an important position in Taiwan. The main producing countries such as China, India and other regions have some researches, but other areas don’t have enough associate and research with genetic characteristics and correlation analysis. In order to understand the horticulture characters of bitter gourd genetic behavior and constitute the yield traits correlation, this experiment used the 55 inbred lines and 30 diallel crosses to do the materials by TSIPS (Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station) to do the inbred lines and hybridization characters analysis. In the main factors affecting production, the flower and fruit traits, all inbred lines have significant differences on fruit length, fruit width, fruit circumference, fruit weight, fruit shape index and flesh thickness. This result showed the discrepancies and variation exists. By correlation analysis, the fruit length, width and flesh thickness are showing significant positive correlation with fruit weight. This result can be used fruit selection reference on the purification process. In various combinations of performance, we conduct the correlation analysis of 18 traits. On the yield-related traits, the first female flower bloom number of days, the first female flower blossom festival site, the first male flowers festival bits have significant positively correlated. We can refer three floral characters to conduct the indirect selection. On the fruit traits, fruit weight, fruit length and fruit index were significantly positively correlated, this result are the same with Fan et al.(2012). The fruit width and circumference were significantly positively correlation. Therefore, we carried on the combination that we can refer to other fruit traits by indirect selection. We hope to use this method rising up the efficiency of selection and combination performance.
